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, has been his most successful attempt yet. Unlike previous bills, this one was heard and voted on by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, passing by an overwhelming 173 17 margin. The bill was referred to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee in April.
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Regardless, though, whether it was a decadent Carnivale dessert or a symbol of fertility, the thing about classic cannoli that Italians do agree on is this: a cannolo (that’s a single piece of the pastry) is filled with a ricotta cheese mixture sweetened with sugar (or honey) and a flavoring such as orange flower water (or vanilla or rosewater). So, then, why have you likely eaten varieties filled with mixtures other than ricotta? We’ve heard of cannoli filled with mascarpone, cream cheese, even custard or ice cream. While they may all be sweet and creamy, they’re not all true to the dessert..
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I also think that, now in our country, identity politics are extremely rife with tension. It’s an appropriate time to call us back to another time in history where we were pointing fingers and at war with each other. It’s a reminder of where we’ve been and that we shouldn’t repeat history.”.